For Your Health — Live Blood Analysis
Tiffany Kiro
When Did Live Blood Analysis Begin?
In 1658, the Dutch naturalist Jan Swammerdam (1637–1680) was the first person to observe red blood cells under the microscope; it took until 1843 for the first leukocytes to be discovered under a microscope. Between 1843 and 2022 not a lot has changed for blood microcopy, the technique of observing live blood through a glass has been consistent. The technology to record what we see has changed. In our blood microscopy sessions, we record your blood and double check any anomalies with our database of over a thousand images. If you want to see what Jan Swammerdam saw, and get...
Mellani Day
Live Blood Analysis - What's the Deal?
If it were quick and painless and could potentially benefit you, would you want to take a real close look at your blood? Doctors take your blood during exams and send it off to a lab; you do see it if you get a cut, but that’s not what we’re talking about here. I’m talking about an up close and personal microscopic view of your blood – fresh – on the big screen. I’m talking about live blood analysis (LBA). Aside from the pure coolness and immediacy of seeing what is flowing through your veins, you might get a sense...
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