Linda Phillips
Detoxify with Lemon and Herbs
First, you need to buy a big bag of lemons. Not lemon juice in a container shaped like a lemon!! Then first thing in the morning, before anything else goes in your mouth (even brushing your teeth), juice a whole lemon in 8oz. of warm water. Drink, and wait 20 minutes before putting anything else in your mouth. But DON’T FORGET BREAKFAST!!! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it’s a proven fact that people who don’t eat breakfast gain an average of 5lbs a year!Herbal Program: For one whole month: System Fresh 2 Caps at...
Jesse Phillips
Doing things a little differently.
Occasionally, I'll get asked what our return policy is and I'm always proud to respond that we have a %100 satisfaction or your money back guarantee. Folks can even return an empty bottle, and we're happy to refund their money, no questions asked. The Green Herb staff and I take a great measure of pride in what we do and the products we create, and if for any reason someone isn't happy with one of our products, it's important to us that people don't feel as if they've squandered their hard earned money. Additionally, all health and nutrition supplements don't...
Linda Phillips
Blood Sugar: Insulin Makes You Fat
There is a huge problem these days with blood sugar issues. According to Fox News, 1 in 2 or 3 people will be diabetic by 2020. The reports state that more and more people are becoming diabetic daily. Sadly, people have become increasingly concerned about fats than they are about sugar and carbohydrates. The key to better health is not so much about limiting saturated fat, but about AVOIDING insulin provoking foods such as refined carbs and sugars. Insulin protects organs from damage by reducing blood glucose levels. We produce insulin as needed when there is a...
Linda Phillips
Linda's Blog - Are You Toxic?
Some things that contribute to toxicity: What We Drink – water with pollutants such as fluoride, chlorine, cryptosporidium, reverse osmosis (no minerals), too alkaline etc. Our Food - pesticides, herbicides, parasites, additives such as MSG & all of it’s other names. Air - pollution from cars, trucks, buses, airplanes (chemtrails), & crop overspray. Work Environment – carpenters (glue, formaldehyde etc), machinists, mechanics, manicurist, painters, welders, auto body, janitorial & maintenance. HVAC., office complexes that are “sick buildings”. Home - homes that are moldy, Radon, new carpet, new pretreated woods...
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